Website Development Packages
Development of Websites we build can be divided into two categories, a showcasing site, which we call a Brochure Websites and a commercial site, commonly referred to as an eCommerce Website. Each sub category obviously has many divisions. This page will give some idea of the cost structure, even though this is clearly a generalisation and each project will need to be seen as its own entity and treated as such. A cost per page concept is not accurate when you get down to Elegance, Functionality and Search Engine Superior. The more we develop websites the more we realise how complex this process is and how lightly the process is regarded by most when doing it. Our approach and believe its the correct one is to know your end point, and work towards it, this prevents duplication and is the shortest and most cost effective route. Throughout the entire process Search Engine Optimisation, which is just one component of Digital Marketing, must remain a priority, this takes time and effort, both of which are valuable commodities.

Brochure Websites
Website Development: from R7500
A website type which is primarily to show off some product and or service. The main purpose is usually to encourage the browser to make contact via any number of ways, usually a number of contact methods are provided depending on the browser or potential clients preference.
Some typical characteristics of a Brochure Website:
- Total number of pages are less than Commercial Websites.
- User Experience is generally more Graphic and Faster.
- Each Website Page has a Single Focused Purpose.
eCommerce Websites
Website Development: from R15000
The number of Commercial Websites are increasing at a phenomenal rate as Business Reinvents Itself to meet demands created by this medium. The process of selling a product or service online is not without its challenges since the online shop is just one component of this industry.
Some typical characteristics of a Commercial Website:
- Combination of information pages and product pages.
- Product page volume can total many hundreds or more.
- Sole purpose is to encourage the Sale Of Products.
Budget Websites
Budget Websites from R1500
Drop and Drag Super Fast HTML Websites for the budget motivated user. An entry level website that works, looks good and Gets Your Business Online. With eCommerce capabilities, can be upgraded by the user to commercial. View Available Templates. Experience Site Speed. Easy to Edit on the IDS Website Builder. IDS Hosting required.